Logo Roland's SportsLogo Signsoffice: 05253 - 700804
email: info@rolands-sports.eu
mobile: 0175 430 3614

Mini - Tennis 

Mini Tennis is exactly what its name suggests-a mini game of tennis that youngsters can play on a smaller court. The main aim is to provide a fun and safe environment in which children can learn Motor- / Coordination skills (using a mixture of softer / slower tennis balls) whilst making a start to basic tennis techniques. And develop a real love of the game before eventually progressing to "proper" tennis.



At this moment Roland's Sports can use the facility in/at the Robert Browning School for a Afterschool Tennisclub.


Group lessons are 5 Euro per lesson, private lessons are on request.


Please send an email to info@rolands-sports.eu if you want to have some information about Mini-Tennis.




